Boat Building Forum

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Re: dogs
Date: 6/29/1998, 6:31 pm
In Response To: dogs (DEAN)

If I build a tandem kayak like I want to, it will have a large hatch/small cockpit in between the two main cockpits where our dog can sit.

Has anyone had any experience tipping over with a dog? How good are they at bailing out? Do they know to hold their breath and swim for the light? And did the dog ever want to go paddling again?

Dreamin', CHad

Messages In This Thread

DEAN -- 6/29/1998, 5:09 pm
Re: Dogs; Keep Us Posted Please
Mark Kanzler -- 7/6/1998, 1:43 pm
Re: Dogs; Keep Us Posted Please
Mark Kanzler -- 7/19/1998, 4:09 am
Re: Dogs; I forgot to tell you...
Mark Kanzler -- 7/20/1998, 1:21 pm
Re: dogs
Mark Kanzler -- 7/6/1998, 1:34 pm
Re: dogs
Bram van der Sluys -- 7/4/1998, 3:18 pm
Re: Dogs (anyone know this dog?)
Mark Kanzler -- 7/6/1998, 5:55 pm
That's Willy
Nick Schade -- 7/7/1998, 2:33 pm
Re: Otto
Mark Kanzler -- 7/7/1998, 4:25 pm
Re: dogs
Sean Grauel -- 6/29/1998, 10:04 pm
Re: dogs
CHad -- 6/29/1998, 6:31 pm
Re: dogs
Mark Kanzler -- 6/30/1998, 10:33 am
Re: dogs and kayaks
Mark Kanzler -- 6/29/1998, 6:01 pm
Re: dogs and kayaks (re-do of link)
Mark Kanzler -- 6/29/1998, 6:17 pm
Malfunctioning archive
Mike Spence -- 6/30/1998, 12:13 pm
Re: Malfunctioning archive
Nick Schade -- 6/30/1998, 7:29 pm