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Re: I've tested it!
By:Larry C.
Date: 5/23/2000, 12:13 pm
In Response To: I've tested it! (Marcelo)

: Hi everybody!

: Well, finally I've tested the resin.

: I've got some resin and two different hardeners. One of my succesfully
: glassed hull and one of my never-curing-time deck.

: I took a couple of transparent little cans (the ones that contains the photo
: film cartridges) and poured 4 parts of resin.

: Then I poured 1 part of hardener ("hull" and "deck") in
: each pot and mix for almost a minute.

: Since my idea was only to see any curing difference, I let both of the resins
: just in their pots, although I knew that eventually they would speed the
: curing process because of the amount of mass confined in the pot.

: To my surprise, both resins cured in the SAME time. It's important to know
: that the room temperature was about 75 F, and the % of humidity aprox 60%.

: I'm just were I began...

: On the other hand, I've never told you that large sections of my uncured deck
: had a whitish haze (not amine blush but something like milky resin that
: was deep inside the glass).

: I think that, maybe, the humidity of that day was "trapped" in the
: resin...

: Any ideas for the future?


: Marcelo

Marcelo, I agree with Pete. you may have mixed too little. I mix epoxy a full 3 minutes scraping the sides of the container often and the mixing stick too.

Larry C.

Messages In This Thread

I had to peel off the glass!
Marcelo -- 5/21/2000, 8:41 pm
Test it
Dale Frolander -- 5/22/2000, 2:08 am
Re: I had to peel off the glass!
lee -- 5/21/2000, 10:43 pm
Positively sure!
Marcelo -- 5/22/2000, 9:24 am
SMALL? glass bottle? This sounds wrong
Paul G. Jacobson -- 5/22/2000, 11:07 pm
I've tested it!
Marcelo -- 5/23/2000, 7:35 am
Re: I've tested it!
Larry C. -- 5/23/2000, 12:13 pm
About bad mixing
Marcelo -- 5/23/2000, 1:39 pm
Re: About bad mixing
Rehd -- 5/23/2000, 9:45 pm
Re: About bad mixing
Julie Kanarr -- 5/23/2000, 10:46 pm
Re: About bad mixing
Ian Johnston -- 5/24/2000, 2:59 am
Marcelo -- 5/24/2000, 7:57 am
Brian Nystrom -- 5/24/2000, 12:31 pm
According to epoxy manufacturers...
Brian Nystrom -- 5/23/2000, 4:41 pm
Re: I've tested it!
pete czerpak -- 5/23/2000, 8:42 am
Re: I had to peel off the glass!
Tig and Tink -- 5/22/2000, 1:50 am