Boat Building Forum

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walnut not good for boatbuilding?
By:Dean Trexel
Date: 3/27/2000, 8:40 am

I put a 1/2-strip of walnut on the shear of the deck of my Outer Island. After glassing, I used a block plane to clean up the edge for joining the 2 halves. In one 3-inch-long section of the outside of the deck the cloth separated from the walnut. The separation is only about 1/4" up the deck and about 3" long.

Did this happen due to wood choice (i.e. do hardwoods not bond as well due to more limited epoxy penetration) or application error?

I plan on bonding the insides of the shear, then going back and sanding the outside down to bare wood in that spot...



Messages In This Thread

walnut not good for boatbuilding?
Dean Trexel -- 3/27/2000, 8:40 am
Re: walnut not good for boatbuilding?
Kent LeBoutillier -- 3/27/2000, 11:35 am
Re: walnut not good for boatbuilding?
Dean Trexel -- 3/27/2000, 11:55 am
Re: walnut not good for boatbuilding?
Kent LeBoutillier -- 3/27/2000, 12:02 pm
Re: walnut not good for boatbuilding?
Dean Trexel -- 3/27/2000, 1:46 pm
Re: walnut not good for boatbuilding?
Ross Leidy -- 3/27/2000, 11:44 am
Re: walnut not good for boatbuilding?
Don -- 3/27/2000, 9:03 am