Boat Building Forum

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Re: $10 router bit set does bead, cove, and planin
By:David Koslow
Date: 2/26/2000, 10:56 am
In Response To: $10 router bit set does bead, cove, and planing (Paul G. Jacobson)

> Sears has an inexpensive ($9.99 US) starter set of router bits with a part
> number of 9 29021. My current poject is modifying these inexpensive bits
> to cut bead and cove edges on my strips.

Paul, I too am a machinist, and have the same kind of "I can do that" attitiude you do. 20 years of routing I've never used worse bits than Sears cheapys, some don't even last thru a single job.Really loust steel. Even their carbides stink. Not to mention the safty of a modifed bit...For a measly $40 Grizzly Industrial has a cove and bead set MADE especially for kayaks and canoes. Your time modifying bits alone will be worth more than the $30 difference, not including having to cut each strip twice.

I've been followiong the bbs for a while, and I do respect your thoughts and ideas, but this time I think you are visiting that dangerous island"IGOTTAMAKEA",a place we've all been....

dave koslow a

Messages In This Thread

$10 router bit set does bead, cove, and planing
Paul G. Jacobson -- 2/25/2000, 9:22 am
Re: $10 router bit set does bead, cove, and planin
David Koslow -- 2/26/2000, 10:56 am
They told Orville and Wilbur it would never fly
Paul G. Jacobson -- 2/29/2000, 9:06 pm
Re: They told Orville and Wilbur it would never fl
David Koslow -- 2/29/2000, 10:57 pm
Re: $10 router bit set does bead, cove, and planin
Bruce -- 2/25/2000, 10:31 pm
Re: $10 router bit set does bead, cove, and planin
John Michne -- 2/25/2000, 3:24 pm
Caution !! Mod. to High Speed Bits
Rehd -- 2/25/2000, 11:24 am