The Kayak Building Bulletin Board

Sponsored by Guillemot Kayaks


The Kayak Building Bulletin Board is a forum for the discussion of boat building and in particular building kayaks. It is a place to exchange ideas and techniques, asking questions, sharing your experiences and learning from other people who are interested in building kayaks. The bulletin board contains 1000 messages, To look at older discussions, look in the Bulletin Board Archive. This archive contains up to 3000 messages after a while, the oldest messages are moved to the Old Message Archive.

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Most Recent Post: 3/21/2018, 9:37 am

[Bulletin Board Archive]

If you are interested in building a kayak using any method, such as:

this bulletin board is the place to learn more about it. If you like the idea of a wooden kayak, or if you think it would be fun to make your own kayak, there are people on the bulletin board who can tell you more about it. There are no stupid questions.

If you already have built a kayak and would like to share your experience, we would like your input. If you have some innovative technique to:

please let us know.

Even if you have never built a boat and don't think you ever really will, you are welcome to participate.

Before you post any messages please read the Guidelines. To learn a little more about some of the popular methods of building a kayak at home read the kayak building FAQ. If you have any questions about how the Bulletin Board functions, take a look at the KBbbs FAQ. If you are embarrassed to ask a question, take a look at the Bulletin Board Archive. If you don't find the answer there, go ahead and ask.

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Other Online Kayak Building Resources

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Trips Kayak Building Techniques Design

This bulletin board is sponsored by Guillemot Kayaks as a public service to the kayak building community.


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The Kayak Forum is Sponsored By

Guillemot Kayaks

Guillemot Kayaks

High Performance Sea Kayak Designs