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Re: Forget epoxy, how about your lungs
By:Jim Kozel
Date: 1/27/2003, 9:35 am
In Response To: Forget epoxy, how about your lungs (Jay Babina)

: The reason karosine heaters totally droped out of popularity is because
: people finally relized that you're breathing in karosine fumes. I think
: it's OK to heat a garage after you apply epoxy. But to have a karosine
: heater as a heat source as you work is unhealthy to say the least unless
: you plan to work with a resperator. I know they're cheap. I would rather
: pay for the juice and use a space heater than suck in the fumes.

Could you expand on that a bit? I just purchased one of those "93% efficient" kerosun tower-style heaters for the garage. It seems to work great and except for startup and shut down is odorless. It's ventless and OK for indoor use. Are you telling me it's dangerous in normal operation?


Messages In This Thread

S&G: kerosene heater, trouble curing?? *Pic*
Shawn Servoss -- 1/27/2003, 12:40 am
Re: S&G: kerosene heater, trouble curing??
Jeff The Tall -- 1/27/2003, 3:38 pm
Forget epoxy, how about your lungs
Jay Babina -- 1/27/2003, 8:54 am
Not so, Jay
Brian Nystrom -- 1/28/2003, 3:04 pm
Re: Forget epoxy, how about your lungs
Jim Kozel -- 1/27/2003, 9:35 am
Re: Forget epoxy, how about your lungs
Kent LeBoutillier -- 1/27/2003, 11:46 am
Re: Forget epoxy, how about your lungs
Jim Kozel -- 1/27/2003, 1:42 pm
"Ozzie" Kozel O.T.!!
Chris -- 1/27/2003, 3:07 pm
Re: "Ozzie" Kozel O.T.!!
Jim Kozel -- 1/27/2003, 7:43 pm
Fire and Brimstone....nmsg *NM*
srchr/gerald -- 1/27/2003, 7:38 pm
Re: Forget epoxy, how about your lungs
srchr/gerald -- 1/27/2003, 11:40 am
Re: Forget epoxy, how about your lungs
Jay Babina -- 1/27/2003, 9:50 am
Re: S&G: kerosene heater, trouble curing??
Kent LeBoutillier -- 1/27/2003, 6:13 am
Re: S&G: kerosene heater, trouble curing??
Joe -- 1/27/2003, 3:09 am
Re: a few more details.
shawn servoss -- 1/27/2003, 12:19 pm
Re: a few more details. *LINK*
Marcel Rodriguez -- 1/27/2003, 6:07 pm
Re: a few more details.
Jim Kozel -- 1/27/2003, 1:36 pm
Re: a few more details.
shawn servoss -- 1/27/2003, 2:35 pm
Re: a few more details.
Brian Nystrom -- 1/28/2003, 3:14 pm
Re: a few more details Kerosene heating
Jim Kozel -- 1/28/2003, 6:31 pm
Re: a few more details Kerosene heating
Brian Nystrom -- 1/29/2003, 1:26 pm
Re: let's try the pic again *Pic*
Shawn Servoss -- 1/27/2003, 12:43 am