Boat Building Forum

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Re: I had no idea . . .
Date: 7/17/2000, 9:25 pm
In Response To: Re: I had no idea . . . (Spidey)

: . . . that some folks had an opinion!

: Hi Rehd - Geez, I drove my vette to the office every day and used it like a
: real car for 5 years - Honest! - It just always looked like it was
: showroom new. My point was (is) that modern silicone "waxes" can
: preserve a finish like little else can, and be done in very short order. I
: got by with a 30 min wax job twice a month, and trust me, dirt couldn't
: even begin to stick to the surface. My gelcoat power boat looked better
: after 5 years than when I bought it new - Same reason, a half hour spent
: hosing and WD-40'ing after every outing, and an additional 30 min wax job
: every month or two. Why should a kayak be any different for me?

: Scratches and abrasions are unavoidable, but I maintain they'll look better
: on a well maintained craft. Use it, abuse it, but maintain it! BTW, the
: hot weather here has really slowed down my progress. The garage is
: stifling much of the time. I am so close and it kills me to put off
: completion. The only upside is that kayaking is probably a year-round
: activity in this climate. Still, I am getting very anxious to launch.

: Thanks for your caautions, but believe that I'll get my money's worth from
: this kayak as a vehicle as well . . .

: Best Regards, Spidey

Awh Shucks Spidey, I wasa jes spoofin wif ya.

If I can ever get this thing started, I'll probably be just as anal about the looks of it, but, I will play with it anyway. Yeh, I'm having to wait until just about dark when the temp is down to the 80's and work then. Not much workin time, but, I can spend the rest lookin over MY plans and cutting out MY stuff. Progress, but, very slow.


Messages In This Thread

To Wax or Not to Wax?
Dwight -- 7/16/2000, 1:20 pm
Re: Another Yes-No-Maybe, but Yes IMHO
Spidey -- 7/17/2000, 12:55 am
Question for Spidey
Greg -- 7/18/2000, 2:05 am
Re: Question for Spidey
Spidey -- 7/18/2000, 9:06 pm
Thanks guys (NT)
Greg -- 7/19/2000, 1:33 am
Re: Answer from Mark
Mark -- 7/18/2000, 12:10 pm
Re: Another Yes-No-Maybe, but Yes IMHO
Ian Johnston -- 7/17/2000, 3:44 am
Re: Another Yes-No-Maybe, but Yes IMHO
Spidey -- 7/17/2000, 5:29 pm
Re: I'll Side With The WAX
Dwight -- 7/17/2000, 9:49 pm
Re: Proof . . . ? *Pic*
Spidey -- 7/17/2000, 1:27 am
Nice ride!! :D *Pic*
Brian T. Cunningham -- 7/23/2000, 9:38 pm
Re: Nice ride!! :D
Rehd -- 7/24/2000, 2:23 am
Brian T. Cunningham -- 7/24/2000, 3:45 pm
Re: The tradition continues!
Spidey -- 7/23/2000, 11:10 pm
Re: Proof . . .?/ Schmoof !!
Rehd -- 7/17/2000, 2:43 am
Re: I had no idea . . .
Spidey -- 7/17/2000, 5:52 pm
Re: I had no idea . . .
Rehd -- 7/17/2000, 9:25 pm
Don't wax
Ricci Winkle -- 7/16/2000, 8:49 pm
Re: To Wax or Not to Wax?
Rehd -- 7/16/2000, 7:42 pm
Re: To Wax or Not to Wax?
drumnist -- 7/16/2000, 5:57 pm