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Re: maneuverability vs. tracking
By:Shawn Baker
Date: 4/23/2000, 10:17 pm
In Response To: Re: maneuverability vs. tracking (Jim Gabriel)

: Although, the wood boat was easier to paddle over the long haul. I suppose if
: I knew I'd always be landing/launching from harbors or on sandy beaches,
: the wood boat would be my preference.

Since I'm 600 miles inland, I don't worry so much about wood--not that I have sandy beaches to land on--I just don't have surf pushing me into the beach.

: So, what about the skeg? I like it down for touring and up for launches and
: landings. Once I forgot to pull the skeg up during a surf landing (only
: slightly deployed) and the boat started to broach slightly. At that point,
: its too late to pull up the skeg (too much force and boat speed) and
: almost impossible to do any correcting stroke beacuse the tracking is so
: good. Now, I play in the surf with this plastic baby, but always with the
: skeg up.

I've only ever paddled the Eddyline Night Hawk with a skeg, and was favorably impressed--I think I might have to incorporate one into my Guilllemot.

: Thank you for not beating me up for using plastic. Your a true builder in
: knowing how important it is to use the right tool for the job at hand.

Heh! I'm definitely not opposed to plastic--I know it's not as nice looking as wood, but it's certainly more abrasion-resistant!

: I think Nick hit a good balance between tracking and maneuverabity with the
: "Coastal" requiring no skeg or rudder.

I've never paddled one--have you paddled the Guillemot--notice any difference with the bow/stern concavities?

: Take care jim gabriel (skeg lover, rudder hater). I paddled the CD Extreme recently---the rudder was the only thing I disliked about the boat; I think it would really benefit from a skeg.

: p.s. Have you seen Duane's website at
: Yeah, I like his hip-snap exercise--I've been practicing it lately, and it does help my rolls. By the way, you guys have some gorgeous skin on frame boats.


Messages In This Thread

the Guillemot's handling characteristics??
Hank -- 4/20/2000, 10:53 am
Re:A retractable skeg may be the answer.
Hank -- 4/22/2000, 5:47 pm
Re:A retractable skeg may be the answer.
Ray, Port Angeles -- 4/23/2000, 12:26 am
Some Skegs
mike allen ---} -- 4/24/2000, 8:06 pm
Re: Some Skegs
Ray, Port Angeles -- 4/25/2000, 12:14 am
duct taped skeg
Eric Schade (Shearwater Boats) -- 4/23/2000, 8:22 pm
Re: duct taped skeg
Don Beale -- 4/24/2000, 6:09 pm
Re:A retractable skeg may be the answer.
David -- 4/23/2000, 7:38 am
Re: the Guillemot's handling characteristics??
Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks -- 4/21/2000, 4:33 pm
Re: the Guillemot's handling characteristics??
Rich Ross -- 4/20/2000, 4:26 pm
Re: the Guillemot's handling characteristics??
Lew Crenshaw -- 4/20/2000, 3:24 pm
Re: skin boat?
lee -- 4/20/2000, 11:34 pm
Re: skin boat?
Lew Crenshaw -- 4/21/2000, 11:51 am
Re: the Guillemot's handling characteristics??
Jim Gabriel -- 4/20/2000, 2:04 pm
Re: maneuverability vs. tracking
Shawn B -- 4/21/2000, 2:40 pm
Re: maneuverability vs. tracking
Jim Gabriel -- 4/21/2000, 4:27 pm
Re: maneuverability vs. tracking
Shawn Baker -- 4/23/2000, 10:17 pm
Re: the Guillemot's handling characteristics??
Dean Trexel -- 4/20/2000, 12:36 pm
Re: the Guillemot's handling characteristics??
Ryan Arnold -- 4/20/2000, 2:04 pm
Re: the Guillemot's handling characteristics??
Dean Trexel -- 4/20/2000, 2:20 pm
Re: the Guillemot's handling characteristics??
Chris Casazza -- 4/20/2000, 2:41 pm