Boat Building Forum

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Re: Building Order
By:Dean Trexel
Date: 2/15/2000, 1:00 pm
In Response To: Building Order (Derek)

> I have almost completed stripping the deck on my double. I want to sand
> and glass the deck before building the hull. Is this OK to do?

> I know this was discussed before, but I can't find that thread.

> Derek

I'm thinking that you should put at least 2 hull strips on either side before removing the deck. That way you'll know that the shear joints will match up. Make sure you glass the underside of the deck within a week or 2 of glassing the topside, otherwise as the topside epoxy cures, it may tend to warp a bit. Glassing both will equalize these shrinkage forces.

I glassed the hull of my Outer Island first, contrary to the designer's instructions, and I'm glad I did. The glassing job on the hull didn't come out quite as nicely as I liked (I think there may have been gassing), so I was more careful on the deck.


Messages In This Thread

Building Order
Derek -- 2/15/2000, 11:35 am
Re: Building Order
Dean Trexel -- 2/15/2000, 1:00 pm
Re: Building Order
Derek -- 2/15/2000, 2:02 pm