Boat Building Forum

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Combination of both
By:Rod Tait
Date: 12/17/2003, 12:42 am
In Response To: Strip: Dealing with Deck Designs (David Odegard)

I think that it depends on what type of pattern you plan on and what length of strips you will be needing to fill and in what pattern you fill after artwork is in place.

I always use square edge (bevelled) for the art work pieces. This leaves square edges to which the rest will meet against. If you have large open areas after the pattern is in place, you could use bead and cove, but as the strips get progressively shorter, you may find it difficult to slip the piece in place without damaging the fragile cove edges. As stated in another response, where the fill pieces intersect the pattern pieces, it is best to have square to square edges.

Do you plan to fill from centerline out or from sheer line to middle or combination of both? This may determine which is best to fill with. If along the sheer line, you will require a rolling bevel over a longer length, which to some is time consuming and frustrating until you get accustomed to the angles.

If you use a combination of both, I try to have the last piece put in along the sheer with an inner square edge so that the strips that run along the centerline meet to a square edge.

It takes some time to think it through and determine which is the best solution to reduce having to create beads or coves on the ends of strips.

Good luck

Messages In This Thread

Strip: Dealing with Deck Designs
David Odegard -- 12/16/2003, 5:07 pm
Re: Strip: Dealing with Deck Designs *LINK* *Pic*
John Caldeira -- 12/17/2003, 9:15 am
Re: Strip: Dealing with Deck Designs *Pic*
John Monroe -- 12/17/2003, 5:04 am
Re: Strip: Dealing with Deck Designs *Pic*
Kyle T -- 12/17/2003, 8:21 am
Re: Strip: Dealing with Deck Designs *Pic*
John Monroe -- 12/18/2003, 4:03 am
Combination of both
Rod Tait -- 12/17/2003, 12:42 am
Re: Strip: Dealing with Deck Designs
Paul G. Jacobson -- 12/16/2003, 7:54 pm
Re: Strip: Dealing with Deck Designs *LINK*
John S -- 12/16/2003, 9:23 pm