Boat Building Forum

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Goof Off!
By:Terry Hanson
Date: 5/7/2003, 11:08 am
In Response To: Epoxy: Masking Tape Mistake (Mike Sundman)

: Group

: I masked the backside of the hatch covers with masking tape. Then sprayed a
: dry mold release on them. Taped them into the hull, and proceeded to layup
: the hatch rim. I waited until the epoxy was almost cured then pulled the
: covers off. They came of easy, but the tape was left behind and it seems
: to have become permanantly attached to the rim. This was the deciding
: factor in shelfing them 'til this year. So now i'm back at it and facing
: the stuck-sticky tape. I managed in about 2 hours to get one rim sanded,
: cut, and cut the finger pry-slots. It was then that I noticed there are
: little pieces of tape left behind - they are very tiny. I want to recoat
: the rim with epoxy, but i DON'T want to chance covering up the tape and
: then having problems later.

: 1. Is there a solvent i can use to disolve the tapes adhesive?
: 2. Is this solvent compatible with subsequent layers of epoxy (west systems)?

: Comment: They don't sand very well and I don't want to scrap them out. As
: this can create a stress-riser in the corner where the rim meets the deck.

: Thanks

: Mike Sundman

: P.S. It wouldn't normally be a big deal to sand these but I have four of
: them, because i'm building two boats.

No really, this stuff comes in a little can like lighter fluid. Most paint stores or hardware stores should have it.
Put a little on a rag and rub the tape. it will come off.

Messages In This Thread

Epoxy: Masking Tape Mistake
Mike Sundman -- 5/7/2003, 10:12 am
Goof Off!
Terry Hanson -- 5/7/2003, 11:08 am
Re: Also sold as Goo Gone at Home Depot *NM*
Jim Kozel -- 5/7/2003, 11:10 am