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Re: Epoxy: sand sand sand sand sand sand sand sand
By:Brian Ervin
Date: 4/23/2003, 2:48 pm
In Response To: Epoxy: sand sand sand sand sand sand sand sand (Malcolm Schweizer)

If the "y" is due to sanding into the glass you should be able to lightly sand with a finer grit, epoxy, and never see it again. I tihink it was Jay Babina that I learned that from. I had several spots where I sanded into the glass (mostly where it was multiple layers) and after lightly sanding in those areas (220 grit) and a fill coat of epoxy you can't see them. Hope this is helpful.

Messages In This Thread

Epoxy: sand sand sand sand sand sand sand sand
Malcolm Schweizer -- 4/23/2003, 12:44 pm
Re: Epoxy: sand sand sand sand sand sand sand sand
Jay Babina -- 4/25/2003, 3:13 pm
Re: Epoxy: sand sand sand sand sand sand sand sand
Rob Macks -- 4/23/2003, 4:05 pm
Malcolm Schweizer -- 4/23/2003, 5:10 pm
Re: Thanks
Doug K. -- 4/24/2003, 3:11 pm
Re: Thanks
Malcolm Schweizer -- 4/24/2003, 5:09 pm
Re: Thanks
Rob Macks -- 4/24/2003, 8:15 am
could it be the sun?
Myrl Tanton -- 4/23/2003, 10:17 pm
Nope, doing it at night *NM*
Malcolm Schweizer -- 4/24/2003, 10:56 am
Re: Thanks
srchr/gerald -- 4/23/2003, 7:24 pm
Re: Thanks
Malcolm Schweizer -- 4/23/2003, 10:44 pm
Re: Thanks
Brian Ervin -- 4/23/2003, 5:43 pm
Re: Thanks
Malcolm Schweizer -- 4/23/2003, 10:39 pm
Re: Thanks
Paul G. Jacobson -- 4/25/2003, 12:50 am
Re: Shhhhhh...... never tell...... :)
Rehd -- 4/23/2003, 2:51 pm
Re: Epoxy: sand sand sand sand sand sand sand sand
Brian Ervin -- 4/23/2003, 2:48 pm