Boat Building Forum

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Re: Other: New England Paddlesports...
By:Brian Nystrom
Date: 3/24/2003, 2:59 pm
In Response To: Other: New England Paddlesports... *LINK* (David Hill)

: Wondering if anybody from this forum will be at the New England paddlesports
: show at UNH Durham?

: Nigel Foster and Derick Hutchinson will be on hand for lectures and pool
: sessions.

We went on Sunday and saw both. Derek was funny (that was the nature of his presentation) and Nigel was flat-out IMPRESSIVE in the pool. He'll be doing a surf class for NSPN members in July and I can't wait!

Messages In This Thread

Other: New England Paddlesports... *LINK*
David Hill -- 3/21/2003, 6:26 pm
Re: Other: New England Paddlesports...
Brian Nystrom -- 3/24/2003, 2:59 pm