Boat Building Forum

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S&G: Cirrus Epoxy fill coat
By:jim kozel
Date: 2/21/2003, 10:11 pm

Hi all ~

I'm at the point with the Cirrus and Merganser hulls that requires applying epoxy fill coats. Since I'm going to paint both hulls white or off-white, I'm thinking of using some colloidal silica (West Systems) to slightly thicken and toughen the fill coats as well as filling the weave faster. Have any of you tried that approach? I haven't and wonder if it's a good idea...or not.


Messages In This Thread

S&G: Cirrus Epoxy fill coat
jim kozel -- 2/21/2003, 10:11 pm
Re: S&G: Cirrus Epoxy fill coat
Sam McFadden -- 2/22/2003, 12:29 am
Re: S&G: Cirrus Epoxy fill coat
Jim Kozel -- 2/22/2003, 9:18 am