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Re: S&G: Cutting & scarfing 1/8 in ply *LINK*
By:David Hanson
Date: 2/6/2003, 10:25 am
In Response To: S&G: Cutting & scarfing 1/8 in ply (dave miller)

: I've built several s&g kayaks, which have been very successful, structurally
: & design. However I only attempted scarfing ply on the first. A couple
: of the scarfs failed during building, so I backed them up with a ply strip
: epoxied across the inside of the join, which is what I did with subsequent
: boats. Not pretty, but strong.
: Is scarfing such thin ply practical, and does anyone have any ideas for
: prettier scarfless joints?

: The other problem is that when I cut ply with a power jigsaw and fine toothed
: blade, the surfaces are damaged along the cut with lifted fibres/splinters
: which have to be sanded off.
: I'd appreciate any ideas for clean cuts on ply.

: My first visit to this excellent site, can't understand why it took me so
: long.

I have never scarfed that thin either, but I might try stacking 4 deep or more and use the Vaclav scarfing jig. Careful of the orintation of pieces!

On cutting them out, I have not tried this but I expect to have one of the little 3" battery powered circular saws to cut out my next S&G. I also cut two panels at once. The upstroke on the jigsaw always tears no matter how careful you are.

Messages In This Thread

S&G: Cutting & scarfing 1/8 in ply
dave miller -- 2/6/2003, 8:41 am
Re: S&G: Cutting & scarfing 1/8 in ply
Tony -- 2/7/2003, 7:32 pm
Re: S&G: Cutting & scarfing 1/8 in ply
C. Fronzek -- 2/7/2003, 12:49 pm
ditch scarfs
mike allen -- 2/7/2003, 12:19 pm
Jigsaw blades *LINK* *Pic*
Erich Eppert -- 2/6/2003, 10:19 pm
Re: Jigsaw blades
Erich Eppert -- 2/6/2003, 10:22 pm
Re: S&G: Cutting & scarfing 1/8 in ply
Paul G. Jacobson -- 2/6/2003, 10:09 pm
Re: S&G: Cutting & scarfing 1/8 in ply *LINK* *Pic*
Dave Houser -- 2/6/2003, 3:34 pm
Re: S&G: Cutting & scarfing 1/8 in ply
Rehd -- 2/6/2003, 2:42 pm
Re: S&G: Cutting & scarfing 1/8 in ply
Steve Rasmussen -- 2/6/2003, 11:27 am
Re: S&G: Cutting & scarfing 1/8 in ply *LINK*
David Hanson -- 2/6/2003, 10:25 am
Re: S&G: Cutting & scarfing 1/8 in ply
Dan Ruff -- 2/6/2003, 9:27 am