Boat Building Forum

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Re: O.T. ~~~~~ Browser Cookies?? :)
By:Peter Robinson in Oz
Date: 12/27/2002, 6:57 pm
In Response To: Re: O.T. ~~~~~ Browser Cookies?? :) (Rehd)

Hi Rehd

Cookies are text files that are stored on your computer and contain information that web sites want to keep about you - the term originally came from chinese fortune cookies I think. One use is to store personal settings for a web site (they get stored on your computer rather than at the site itself). Your preferences, such as the the name, email address, whether you want frames format, etc on this bbs are stored in a cookie.

Cookies can also be used to track your use of the internet and for that reason, browsers have privacy settings to stop this from happening - they can be set to store no cookies which is why I suspect your preferences keep disappearing - your browers may not be storing the cookie because of your privacy settings.

Assuming you're using Internet Explorer, on your menu, go to then

go to the tab (which should come up first)
1. you will find a button . click that one to delete all your cookies (but you may not want to do that).
2. you could try the button and then on the window that comes up, press the button. This will bring up a list of all the files IE files stored on your computer. Just look for the cookies and delete any kayak bbs ones.

back on the options window again, go to the tab and check your setting - maybe use medium level. If it is higher than medium, your cookies will probably not have been stored, causing the problem.

A few things to check so I hope it helps a bit

btw, if you are not using IE, someone else will need to help - it has been ages since I have used any of the others.


Messages In This Thread

Off Topic: Preferences ... ??
Rehd -- 12/27/2002, 3:49 am
Re: Off Topic: Preferences ... ??
Rehd -- 12/29/2002, 12:26 pm
Re: Off Topic: Preferences ... ?? *LINK*
Kurt Maurer -- 12/29/2002, 3:22 pm
boat building tools
Ken Sutherland -- 12/29/2002, 10:32 pm
Re: Off Topic: Preferences ... ??
Rehd -- 12/27/2002, 3:51 am
Re: Off Topic: Preferences ... ??
Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks -- 12/27/2002, 9:17 am
Re: O.T. ~~~~~ Browser Cookies?? :)
Rehd -- 12/27/2002, 10:08 am
Re: O.T. ~~~~~ Browser Cookies?? :)
Peter Robinson in Oz -- 12/27/2002, 6:57 pm
Re: O.T. ~~~~~ Browser Cookies?? :)
Peter Robinson in Oz -- 12/27/2002, 10:04 pm
Re: O.T. ~~~~~ Browser Cookies?? :)
Rehd -- 12/27/2002, 9:44 pm
Swap cookies for his help with your cookies :) *NM*
Paul G. Jacobson -- 12/28/2002, 12:44 am
maybe THEY (the paper clips) talk back to him!! *NM*
Charles Leach -- 12/27/2002, 10:42 am
Re: Off Topic: Preferences ... ??
Peter Robinson in Oz -- 12/27/2002, 4:39 am