Boat Building Forum

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Re: Seeking: foot brace opinions.
Date: 11/26/2002, 10:29 pm
In Response To: Re: Seeking: foot brace opinions. (Terry Hanson)

: Myrl,
: I think you will find the Schade foot rest quite comfortable, and certainly
: worth the effort to build.

I built them from the kit for my Merganser. Very comfortable natural foot position.

: It may not feel as secure as pegs for rolling or bracing.
: I made one and it was a little wobbly at first. I re-made the foot panels to
: fit the boat cavity more snug and added a thin layer of foam . Its much
: better now.

Yeah, there is a little wobble, but not bad.

: Perhaps someone with more expertise will wade in on the issue of which is
: better?
: Anyway Myrl you know this won't be your last boat so you'll have at least one
: of each type. Ho Ho Ho

: Terry

Messages In This Thread

Seeking: foot brace opinions.
Myrl Tanton -- 11/26/2002, 4:28 pm
Re: Seeking: foot brace opinions.
Brian Nystrom -- 11/27/2002, 1:14 pm
Re: Seeking: foot brace opinions.
Terry Hanson -- 11/26/2002, 8:56 pm
Re: Seeking: foot brace opinions.
midd -- 11/26/2002, 10:29 pm