Boat Building Forum

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will someone please interpret?
By:George Burns
Date: 4/19/1998, 1:48 am

> Out of courious. Do you have an engineering background?

> My goal in handling impancts while paddling is to keep the impact
> speed below the wave propagation speed thru the kayak hull. In this
> case failure occurs due to tensile stress exceeding the material strength
> in the extreme fibers. That is how I defined strength in that derivation.

> The distance from the neutral axis is given by the two variables:
> Wt - wood thickness: Wg - glass thickness. Since the glass thickness
> is large with respect to the wood thickness one needs to integrate
> the material properties over the thickness.

> As to the usefulness of the work, I now build 18-19 pound cedar
> strip whitewater play boats.

I think the difficulty that I am having stems from my engineering background being tempered by my understanding of the English language.

I will say, though, that I have read a few of your posts lately that are simple, to the point, and actually make sense! Those type responses can be very helpful. You also seem to do somewhat better with sentence structure and spelling in your simpler postings.

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will someone please interpret?
George Burns -- 4/19/1998, 1:48 am