Boat Building Forum

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83 leetle blocks
By:Dean Trexel
Date: 4/16/2000, 10:51 pm

For the cockpit coaming on my Outer Island instead of stacked plywood rings I used 83 little blocks of alternating ash and cherry to create the same effect of the Schade's method -- alternating light and dark. On top of these I will be installing a lip of cherry plywood. I just epoxied the blocks on tonight. Some are 3/4" cubes, some were cut with a 10-deg. angle, and some with a 25-deg. angle to fit the contour of the opening. Playing with blocks -- just like being a kid again, except the 'paste' we use isn't edible...

My question: these blocks aren't connected, except by thickened epoxy. Is this sturdy enough? I was thinking if more reinforcement is necessary, I could screw a few of them to the underside of the deck, say every 10th one or so. But on the other hand, the deck seems rock-solid and the aft bulkhead provides support. Should I fiberglass the cherry plywood lip before I install it?

Thanks in advance. I hope to set up a very basic web site with pictures in the next few weeks, now that the project is coming to a close and I have a new computer...


Messages In This Thread

83 leetle blocks
Dean Trexel -- 4/16/2000, 10:51 pm
Re: 83 leetle blocks
Greg Hicks -- 4/17/2000, 8:07 am
SORRY about Picture!!
Greg Hicks -- 4/17/2000, 8:09 am
Re: 83 leetle blocks
Greg -- 4/17/2000, 1:51 am