Boat Building Forum

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Re: Please don't put words in others mouth
By:Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks
Date: 4/11/2000, 11:45 am

> The optimal ratio of wood:glass&epoxy based on energy absorbed is 33:67 by
> weight. Both Ted and Nick recommend 75:25.

Nowhere do I recommend a resin-to-glass weight ratio. I don't think Ted did either. I do recommend an amount of epoxy and glass to buy, but this doesn't say how much will actually get onto the boat. At best I give an example of a typical hand layup on a typical boat (6.3 lbs glass with 9.4 lbs epoxy which oddly enough appears to match Georges "optimal ratio"). This is not the same as recommending a "best" ratio. That was not my goal and I made no attempt to do so.

My goal was to describe a series of steps that, followed carefully, will produce a decent boat. I attempted to make these steps fairly error tolerant. If someone makes a small mistake or two the boat will still be usable. The typical mistakes in the technique I describe will probably result in a heavier boat than intended, but the boat will still work. This added weight will probably make the boat stronger although not necessarily in the optimal way. Recommending a ratio of resin to glass does not tell anyone how to make a successful boat. There are inummerable ways to acheive the optimal ratio yet result in a boat that should not see water.

Messages In This Thread

Re: Please don't put words in others mouth
Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks -- 4/11/2000, 11:45 am