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CA glue for strip building
Date: 1/28/2000, 1:22 pm

Hi All;

I have built a number of RC aircraft over the years, and the staple of quick assembly there is CA glue (superglue). The pieces to be joined are are clamped together, and very thin CA glue is applied to the seam. It wicks into the joint in an instant, and can be unclamped in only seconds. The resulting joint on hardwoods, plywood and of course balsa is always stronger than the wood itself. It seems like a natural for attaching strips, probably in conjunction with conventional glue. Perhaps applying (i.e.) Titebond II and leaving small dry areas every so many inches to attach instantly with the CA glue. It seems like it might avoid having to clamp much of the time.

Has anyone ever tried this?

I checked Tower Hobbies and they have the appropriate very thin CA in 4 oz. bottles for $12. That should go quite a way when used as clamp substitutes.

I have begun my strongback and forms, pictures can be seen at

Best Regards, Spidey

Messages In This Thread

CA glue for strip building
Spidey -- 1/28/2000, 1:22 pm
Re: CA glue for strip building
PeteWP -- 1/29/2000, 8:46 am
Re: CA glue for strip building
Tony -- 1/31/2000, 9:39 pm
Re: CA glue for strip building
Derek -- 1/28/2000, 2:06 pm
Re: CA glue for strip building
Spidey -- 1/28/2000, 4:05 pm
CA glue for Killer Strips
mike allen -- 1/28/2000, 4:41 pm
Re: CA glue for Killer Strips
Spidey -- 1/28/2000, 7:21 pm
Re: CA glue for Killer Strips
Jim Richardson -- 1/28/2000, 7:53 pm
Re: CA glue for Killer Strips
Spidey -- 1/29/2000, 1:05 pm
Re: CA glue for Killer Strips
Rehd -- 1/30/2000, 2:56 am
Re: CA glue for Killer Strips
Tony -- 1/31/2000, 9:35 pm
Re: Why not super-fast epoxy?
Don Beale -- 1/28/2000, 6:12 pm
Down Low? - Way too Slow!!
mike allen -- 1/28/2000, 7:46 pm