The Kayak and Canoe Design Bulletin Board

The Kayak and Canoe Design Bulletin Board is the place to discuss and learn about the what makes canoes and kayaks work the way they do. If you want to know what "prismatic coefficient" is and how it effects the performance of your boat, this is the place to ask. If you have a new idea for a modification and want to get some feed back, please feel free to post your thoughts here. Discussion is not strickly limited to kayaks and canoes, other small boats are also within the scope.

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I have started to put together a page discussing various aspects of Kayak Design in easy to understand language.

Other Online Design Resources:

Naval Architecture Software:

Trips Kayak Building Techniques Design


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The Kayak Forum is Sponsored By

Guillemot Kayaks

Guillemot Kayaks

High Performance Sea Kayak Designs